There is no distance in prayer! Not when you serve a God that is, as we say theologically, transcendent of time and space and, here is another word for you… He is Ubiquitous meaning “being everywhere at the same time (omnipresent)”. When we pray we are touching the heart of a being who is ubiquitous, everywhere, and Omnipotent (all powerful). Yet, He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. Not only does He posses all the unique faculties of the one and only Creator God, but he cares for us as a Father cares for his child. He is your Daddy! And all that power and all of that compassion and it is just a prayer away!
Today don’t get so busy in trying to get things done that you forget how things really work. You can do more through prayer and a moment with your Father the King, than a million days like today in your own efforts. Partner with God! “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you” Jesus Christ!