Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+07:00

Be Brave

  "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor

What Is Your Motive?

I believe that most people today would say that the fountain of right and wrong, both in the area of decision and action, is motivation. Motivation has in it a root word, motive. And the word has come to have a largely negative connotation. But we all have motives. They

God’s Plan for Developing Leaders

I once read something that Ruth Barton said about developing leaders. She said, and I’m paraphrasing,  “We do a great disservice to young leaders when we teach them, first, what they can accomplish before we teach them what manner of people they should become.” And I believe this is true

The River of God

One of the most beautiful places in America is an amazing natural spring in North Central Arkansas. It is more than a small spring bubbling up out of the ground, the Ozarks Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri have lots of those, but this one is special. The name of the

Marketing Jesus

Jesus clearly intended for His followers to broadcast the news of salvation in His name to the ends of the earth. And they empowered with the Holy Spirit, did just that. How effective was His plan? Well, we call it the “great Commission” and “Great” really doesn’t do it justice.

Salvation Is By Works…

The issue of righteous in the life of the believer hinges completely on one of two concepts: either personal performance or grace. We can’t mix the two. They are totally different realities. And I must choose to invest my faith in one or the other (although we often try to

Less Of Me, More Of Him

Working with leaders over the years, I have often remarked to them, “If you will reveal your thoughts to me, I will reveal your future to you.” “What you meditate on, you will become over time.” Our words are simple expressions of the thoughts of our heart. These thoughts are

The Best News Ever

News! It’s good. It’s bad. It’s happy. It’s sad! News is emotional, it’s exciting and can be depressing. News is the sharing of information that connects us to the larger world around us reminding us that we all are in this together. I’m amazed, at times, how it defines our

Let’s Work Together


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